We are the sum of our parents; of every game we played when childs, of all the things that have made us cry, of every book we read, every place we wander, every song we listen to; we are the sum of all the little details, and the details we keep discovering.

We keep evolving; moving like water. We are our thoughts. Our words. Our connection with people. We are made of infinite possibilities. We are a perfect design of struggles and triumphs. Of expectation when there is nothing to expect. Of judgement when there is nothing to say. But amongst all, we are made of love. Real, honest and caring love. A love that grows tear by tear, laugh by laugh, healing what we can't yet understand. A love that is beyond us. A love that holds you when you're ripped apart. That finds balance in chaos. An inexhaustible love of surrender and acceptance to our own journey.